By Shawn Parker
Shawn Parker Level: Basic PLUS Shawn Parker is currently a Internet Marketing Leader and loving every second of it.
A lot of women are intimidated by having to wear high heels; others say they have no reason to wear them. If the truth were told they don't know how to walk in them, even throw, most love the way they make their legs look. When an occasion appears many will find an excuse not to go if they have to wear "high heels." Walking i is not that difficult, and with a little bit of practice, you'll be stepping out in no time at all.
Practice standing in high heels. Stand in front of a full-length mirror; it will give you a chance to see first hand what you look like. Checking out your posture and profile in front of the mirror, or just standing in high heels will help to remove some of your apprehension and also help you to get used to the additional height you'll have when wearing a high heels.
Start to walk at home a few steps at a time. Try practicing on hard floors, or in a room with thin carpet, some carpeting is very thick and the carpet, if thick, can throw you off balance. With each step, point your feet as straight in front of you as you can. Starting off slowly being extra conscientious of each step you take. Turing in different directions and stopping without wobbling will help to give assurance that you can be graceful when walking. Practice, practice, practice and more practice will give you the confidence you'll need to walk correctly.
As you grow more confident in your abilities to walk, turn, and do all the other things you might need to do in high heels, you can move up to higher heights. Start slowly when adding height to your heels. Don't jump to quickly when adding extra inches to your heels.
Walking staircases, use the rail if it is available, or at least be close enough to a rail that you can reach it if your need to. When climbing steps use your entire shoe heel and sole should land firmly all at once on each step.
Start out with a wider high heel, instead of a stiletto. This will help you to get use to the added height before adding how to balance in a thinner heel. Wear a pump to begin with. Avoid backless or extremely flimsy high heels.
Remember, to practice, practice, practice and more practice that's the key to learn how to walk in any height of heel.
Shawn has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness, recipes and weight loss, you can also check out the latest website on Bob Double Stroller which reviews and lists the best Bob Double Jogging Stroller.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shawn_Parker
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